Friday, June 20, 2008

A horrid thought...

I see that we struggle through life, trying our damnedest to be accepted. We try really hard to be accepted when really being accepted isn’t what it is all about at all. We are driven by nature to eat, sleep, and screw. Humans seem to have a problem with that simple equation. Our inability to handle the apparently unnecessary thing called “knowledge” seems to be our undoing. We have thus far proven ourselves unworthy of the gift of rational thought. We only seem to mold reality with our larger intellects in order to cause others of our kind to fail and allow us to continue with our particular version of DNA. This may come as no alarm to those who view this trend as the classic example of “survival of the fittest.” However, this situation is far from the classic scenario. This perversion of reality for our own special way of allowing us to “carry on”, fails to make us any more survivable. Humans have apparently become so dominate that even inferior genes have been allowed to pass on and our ability to slander a body builder and humiliate a genius prevents their useful genes from being carried on. The most successful of all gene pools appears to be people who are able to effectively have no quirks, strengths, weaknesses, or any other than jack-of-all-trades traits. Those who aren’t necessarily the strongest, smartest, funniest, kindest, et cetera are now becoming the most dominate because they are able to not “stand out” and, God forbid, exhibit useful specializations and traits that can actually lead to a better human kind overall. We will not evolve into advanced, warless, and care-free beings, but untrustworthy, slandering, sociopaths that will continue to dominate the Earth and whatever other planets we claim as our own until the human race actually accepts that kind of social environment as norm. We will plunge into utter corruption and nigh Hell on Earth conditions of our own doing. God, help us all.